Lactation Support

The Midwife Center provides information and support for you to breastfeed/chestfeed your baby. Our nurses are well-trained to answer most routine breastfeeding questions and refer to our IBCLC-trained (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) staff as needed. A trained staff member makes phone calls to all first time breastfeeding clients and those in need of additional support.

The Midwife Center's clients have better success with breastfeeding than mothers and birthing people overall in Pennsylvania. In 2022, The Midwife Center had approximately a 91% breastfeeding initiation rate. At six weeks postpartum approximately 77% of clients partially or exclusively breastfed. In contrast, PA Dept. of Health data showed an 82.4% breastfeeding initiation rate for birthing people in Pennsylvania.

Breastfeeding support immediately after birth

In most cases, your baby will be placed directly on your chest after birth. Your baby will be allowed to stay there for one hour and self-latch. Our nurses are trained to help if your baby doesn’t latch on their own. We will encourage you to keep your baby skin-to-skin during your stay at The Midwife Center. Although not officially certified as “baby friendly,” The Midwife Center follows all Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding as part of the WHO/UNICEF Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative guidelines.

Immediate postpartum care

Our nurses will assess breastfeeding at your routine postpartum visit following your birth at our birth center. Our nurses are able to help you with latch difficulties and answer questions. If more help is needed, your nurse will help you schedule a lactation visit with one of our on-staff IBCLCs.

Postpartum phone support

Postpartum phone support is offered to all first time breastfeeding clients and those in need of additional support during the postpartum period. We can help you with breastfeeding, nutrition/safety, talk to you about any challenges you may be experiencing while transitioning to parenthood, and provide referrals as needed. Calls are made weekly for the first three weeks after your baby is born. 

Lactation consultations

The Midwife Center offers lactation consults if you experience an issue with breastfeeding, ranging anywhere from latch difficulties to discussing concerns about returing to work. We can also offer appointments during pregnancy if you have breastfeeding concerns that need to be addressed prior to your baby's birth. You can make an appointment by calling the front office at 412.321.6880.

Breastfeeding Class

Our popular Breastfeeding Class is for families interested in learning more about breastfeeding. Scholarships are available for clients who meet income requirements. Please see our class calendar for more information and upcoming class dates.

More information

• PA Dept. of Health's Breastfeeding Awareness and Support Program
• Find a local La Leche League chapter
• Pittsburgh Babywearers - Facebook
• Pittsburgh Black Breastfeeding Circle

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