Core Class Descriptions

This page includes information about The Midwife Center's Core Classes, which include: Childbearing Essentials, Childbirth Refresher, Birthing from Within, Breastfeeding, and Newborn Care

For Core Class dates as well as information about other classes, groups, and more, please see our Class Calendar.

Click here to download our Class Registration Form to sign up for Core Classes.

You may purchase an individual Core Class, but we also offer a Core Class Bundle. Please note we do not offer bundle pricing for non-clients of The Midwife Center. A scholarship fund is available for clients who meet income requirements.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, all TMC classes are held via Zoom. Most registration can be done electronically. If you are already registered, you will be sent information and do not need to call.

Postpartum groups take place via Zoom. Please send a message via your Electronic Health Chart to let us know if you are interested and we will let you know how to sign-up.

Orientation sessions are free and are provided via Zoom and in-person. Anyone can attend an Orientation. Registration is required for in-person orientation, but no registration is needed for virtual. View the class calendar for dates. Orientation is required in order to receive prenatal care. If you've attended orientation in the past you are welcome, but not required, to attend again.

Birth Center Orientation & Tour

Orientation is an important first step to birth center care and is required at birth centers across the country. We love introducing clients to what we do here. In 2023, we will hold Orientation over Zoom on Tuesdays and in person on Saturdays when Covid transmissions are low enough to do so in reasonable safety. View the class calendar for dates. 

Core Class Bundle A

Take three of our core prenatal classes at a discount. This bundle includes Childbearing Essentials, Breastfeeding, and Newborn Care. This bundle is $210, saving you $25.

Core Class Bundle B 

Take three of our core prenatal classes at a discount. This bundle includes Newborn Care, Breastfeeding, and Birthing from Within. This bundle is $370, saving you $40.

Childbearing Essentials

This class is meant to be completed prior to your 36th week of pregnancy. This is a 9-hour childbirth preparation course taught by a Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator through Bloom Birth Concierge. 

During this time, we will cover the physiology of birth from the third trimester of pregnancy through labor, birth, and postpartum. Our focus will be on unmedicated childbirth and will cover the process of labor and birth. We will also go over comfort techniques, including hands-on practice in class. Through this course, you will gain an understanding of labor and birth, learn about evidence-based best practices, become familiar with relaxation and comfort techniques, and build confidence as prepare for birth. Cost: $125


This class is offered to all individuals interested in learning more about breastfeeding between the 33rd to 37th week of pregnancy. If this is your first baby or you have breastfed before and need a refresher on new information available, the information you need is condensed in a fun, informal class. Your partner is encouraged to attend, as well as any other family members. This comprehensive class includes: breast care & problems, positioning & latch-on, how often/how long to nurse, how to determine if your baby is getting enough, pumping/storing milk and more. Cost: $60

Newborn Care

What are the first few hours like? When do I call the pediatrician? Why is my baby doing that? And what do I do now?! Get the answers you need, and gain the skills to feel empowered and confident with your brand new little one. 

This class is designed to teach you about safety and basics, with a dash of fun. You will learn how to prepare for the safety of your newborn, what to expect, and signs of health or illness. Baby basics will be covered, such as bathing, diapering, cord care, and holding a newborn. We will also offer information about babywearing, cloth diapering, soothing, and safe sleeping. In addition, we will provide resources and suggestions to keep you informed and connected as your baby continues to grow. Cost: $50

Childbearing Refresher

This course is a review of childbearing essentials for those expecting mothers who have had a prior labor and delivery, or have had a hospital birth, and are planning to have a Birth Center birth. The course will direct its attention to body conditioning, the progression of labor, relaxation techniques and labor support. If this is your first pregnancy, it is highly recommended that you take the Childbearing Essentials class. Cost: $50

Birthing from Within

What do YOU need to know to give birth?  There are three kinds of knowing to birth from within. The first and most basic is the intuitive knowing in your bones or innate maternal instinct. The second kind of knowing is modern knowing—being savvy about birth culture and the wide range of birth choices that exist today. The third kind of knowing is knowing yourself.  Birthing From Within®  Childbirth Preparation classes offers you a soulful and holistic approach to birth preparation that integrates all three kinds of knowing. Childbirth is a profound rite of passage, and we believe the essence of childbirth preparation is self-discovery and parent preparation, not assimilating obstetric information. Our classes prepare you to birth-in-awareness for whatever kind of birth you are planning for. The dynamic course content is tailored to meet the specific and individual needs of parents and includes practical information about labor and birth, pain-coping practices, birth art, music, storytelling, and celebration.

The class is taught in a 12-hour weekend intensive over two days.  We recommend you take this class between 24-36 weeks of pregnancy. Birthing From Within classes are offered in a small group setting, with a maximum of 8 couples per course. Please wear comfortable clothes in which you can move. For more information on this class click here. Cost $300 for the two part course


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